Market Watch: Opinion: What the market doom-and-gloomers fail to grasp about anemic growth

Roubini’s unconventional truth: The world has too much supply and not enough demand Moreover, there is still slack in real-estate markets where booms went bust (the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, Iceland, and Dubai). And bubbles in other markets (for example, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand)…

NYT: Buyer’s Remorse On Offshoring to China

Trade Groups Urge U.S. to Push Against Chinese Regulations HONG KONG — United States trade groups gave the Chinese government an earful last week about new policies that could hamper the ability of major technology multinationals to do business in China. [Reposted from The New York Times  |  Paul Mozur  |  February 5, 2015] Now,…

Dan DiMicco: GDP growth slows/U.S. Economy Expanded Less Than Forecast in Fourth Quarter/ 4th Qtr. GDP 2.6%/ Full Year 2.4%

The bottom line is still the same until we return our nation’s economic focus from “a something for nothing approach” back to the “Real Wealth Creation Engine of Creating/Innovating. Making, and Building Things” again we are doomed to lethargic and anemic growth! Wake Up America! [Reposted from the blog of Dan DiMicco  |  Dan DiMicco  |  February 4, 2015] Some…

Gallup: The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment

Here’s something that many Americans — including some of the smartest and most educated among us — don’t know: The official unemployment rate, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is extremely misleading. [Reposted from Gallup  |  Jim Clifton  |  February 3, 2015] Right now, we’re hearing much celebrating from the media, the White…