WSJ: Ohio Depicts Trade Deal’s Complexity

Ohio’s two senators, Republican Rob Portman and Democrat Sherrod Brown, offer a window into the White House’s coming challenges as it tries to open a path forward on trade. [Reposted from the Wall Street Journal  |  Siobhan Hughes  |  February 22, 2015] Both men have spent roughly two decades in Washington on different sides of…

WSJ: Free Trade Often Doesn’t Help U.S.

I read the op-ed “A Trade Opportunity for Obama and the New Congress” by Rep. Charles Boustany and Robert B. Zoellick (Dec. 29) and wondered what economic data they are viewing. [An editorial by Bill Hickey, a CPA Supporter, reposted from the Wall Street Journal  |  January 9, 2015] Recently the Economic Policy Institute published…

Berkshire Eagle Editorial: Our Opinion: Skepticism about TPP, and no to its fast-tracking

There is ample reason for doubt about the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), although its tenets have not been fully determined. There is more than enough reason to oppose its fast-tracking. [Reposted from the Berkshire Eagle  |  February 17, 2015] Demonstrators in Pittsfield, Springfield and Washington, D.C. will lobby First District Congressman Richard Neal, a Springfield…

DFA: NEW POLLING: Oregonian opposition to Trans-Pacific Partnership, Fast Track Authority could pose reelection risk to Senator Ron Wyden

BURLINGTON, VT — Oregon’s U.S. Senator Ron Wyden could face challenges in his new 2016 reelection fight if he votes with Senate Republicans in favor of the job-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the so-called “Fast Track” Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) many in Washington believe is needed for passing it.  [Reposted from Democracy for America  | …

Former USTR Official: Reagan did not need Fast Track

Fast Track Wasn’t Needed During Reagan’s Successful Uruguay Round, And Is Not Needed Now by Charles Blum, former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Multilateral RelationsManufacturing & Technology News, (subscription required) February 19, 2013, Vol. 22, No. 3 When it took the lead in launching the Uruguay Round in 1985 – 1986, the Reagan administration did…

Michael Stumo meets with CA Chapter members

Michael Stumo had the opportunity to meet with Michele Nash-Hoff, chair of the CPA CA Chapter, and other CA Chapter members this past week over dinner to discuss how to make free, fair, and balanced trade teh norm in California. Chapter members discussed ways to further develop the California Chapter.  Michele Nash-Hoff also discussed the…