The Diplomat: China’s ‘New’ Carrier Killer Subs

  The Chinese Navy in in the process of commissioning three new nuclear-powered attack submarines, according to China Daily. The report, quoted on the website Defense Tech, furthermore notes that the new vessels will be equipped with a new vertical launching system capable of firing supersonic anti-ship missiles. [by Franz-Stefan Gady | April 6, 2015 | The…

Dan DiMicco: My book, “American Made”, is more about doubling the amounts of goods manufactured here than about Buy American, don’t confuse the two……….

……..Of course getting Manufacturing to be 20%+ of GDP versus today’s 11% will significantly increase the amount of American made goods purchased by Americans, but it will also increase the amount of American made goods exported to the world. [Reposted from the blog of Dan DiMicco  |  Dan DiMicco  |  April 3, 2015] Why? As…

Eyes on Trade: Fact-Checking the Fact-Checker: Washington Post Gets It Wrong on Bogus Trade-Pact Jobs Claims

As the Obama administration seeks to Fast Track the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress over public and congressional opposition, it has resorted to a familiar tactic – promising job gains from the deal on the basis of unfounded assumptions. [Reposted from the Public Citizen blog  |  April 7, 2015] We have repeatedly warned against dubious TPP jobs claims by spotlighting the…

Made in USA Foundation: Chinese Drywall

Many homeowners in the United States have been suffering for years from contaminated Chinese home improvement products.  [Reposted from the Made In USA Foundation Newsletter  |  March 2015] Defective drywall was manufactured in China and imported to the United States starting in 2001. Laboratory tests of samples for volatile chemicals identified emissions of the sulfurous…

Huh? Oregon Blueberry Growers want Trade Deals?

Ron Wyden is getting pressure from Intel and Nike to approve fast track. But also (supposedly) blueberry growers. Which doesn’t make sense. This article in the Wall Street Journal reports on how the anti-Fast Track forces are trying to convince Senator Wyden (D-OR) to oppose making a deal with Senator Orrin Hatch. But I was…