The Hill: “Dick Morris: TPP = Mass immigration”

  Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a proposed free-trade agreement, Congress could lose the power to control immigration policy. We could find ourselves back in the era before there were restrictions on immigration and anyone from anywhere could come to our shores. And Republicans, from leaders Mitch McConnell and John Boehner on down, are unwittingly…

Public Citizen Press Release: “Hatch Bill Would Revive Controversial 2002 Fast Track Mechanism That Faces Broad Congressional, Public Opposition”

For Immediate Release:                                              Contact: Symone Sanders (202) 454-5108 April 16, 2015                                                             Lori Wallach (202) 454-5107, [email protected]                                                                                    Hatch Bill Would Revive Controversial 2002 Fast Track Mechanism That Faces Broad Congressional, Public Opposition Today’s Proposal Replicates Language of Failed 2014 Bill, Would Expand Same Broken Trade Model That Has Led to $912 Billion Trade Deficit, Loss…

Rep. Levin Opposes Fast Track bill

News Release: COMMITTEE ON WAYS AND MEANS Sander M. Levin (D-MI) TPA Bill is a Major Step Backwards on TPP Negotiations WASHINGTON – Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today responded to the House-Senate introduction of TPA legislation by releasing a document detailing how the bill falls short. It can be found…