American Thinker: Fast-Tracking America’s Economic Destruction

Last week’s congressional committee votes to give President Obama “Fast Track” negotiating power may go down in economic history as among the most self-destructive ever.  The leaders of the Republican Party betrayed their voters, may have destroyed their own political careers, and may have even destroyed America’s economic future. [Reposted from American Thinker  |  Howard…

The Hill: “TPP will undercut US national security”

  To persuade Congress to give him authority for concluding negotiation of a proposed Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement, President Obama is emphasizing that such an undertaking is essential to national security. [by Clyde Prestowitz | April 29, 2015 | The Hill] The appeal to patriotism is always powerful, but in this instance…

Sen. Menendez Human Rights Amendment to Fast Track Bill

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. Democratic Senator Robert Menendez said on Monday he would strongly resist any attempt to override a human-trafficking amendment to trade legislation that some say could derail a Pacific trade pact. [Reposted from Reuters  |  Richard Cowan; Krista Hughes; Leslie Adler  |  April 28, 2015] The amendment, approved by the Senate Finance…

WSJ: New Push to Win Backing for Pacific Trade Bill

Obama and GOP leaders intensify push to win votes after warning that support in the House may be lacking [Reposted from the Wall Street Journal  |  William Mauldin and Siobhan Hughes  |  April 30, 2015] President Barack Obama and Republican leaders intensified their push Thursday to win votes for major trade legislation after lawmakers warned…