Inside US Trade: Reid Threatens To Block TPA Absent Movement On Highway, Intelligence Bills

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) threatened Monday (May 4) to block consideration of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) legislation unless Senate Republicans first move on two Democratic priorities: the renewal of the highway trust fund and a bill to reform to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which authorizes data collection and eavesdropping programs for…

The Hill: GOP scrambling to limit defections on trade

House Republican opposition to sweeping trade legislation isn’t breaking down along traditional Tea Party-GOP establishment fault lines. [Reposted from The Hill  |  Scott Wong and Vicki Needham  |  May 3, 3015] But the pockets of GOP defections will give President Obama and Republican leaders little wiggle room to muscle a bill through the lower chamber.…

M&T News: “Imports Are Surging From China Because China Is Breaking The International Rules Of Trade, Yet The U.S. Does Nothing “

  U.S. industry is increasingly uncompetitive in global markets and the consequences of fast-growing trade imbalances could be troublesome for the American economy and the international financial system, according to analyst Ernest Preeg of the Manufacturers Alliance / MAPI. [by Richard McCormack | April 28, 2015 | M&T News] In a stunning report outlining the…