Roll Call Vote for Senate Fast Track Cloture Today

  [by Michael Stumo] The Senate voted to proceed to debate the trade deficit producing Fast Track bill today.  All Republicans and 13 Democrats voted for cloture. The Dems voting for the motion to proceed were Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Sens. Michael Bennet (D-CO), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Tom Carper (D-DE),…

Politico: Reid offers plan to break trade impasse

McConnell refuses to budge on demands for additional worker protections, ahead of cliffhanger vote. [Reposted from Politico  |  Burgess Everett and Manu Raju  |  May 12, 2015] After President Barack Obama’s own party slammed the brakes on the centerpiece of his trade agenda — also a top priority for the GOP — there were early…

CPA Statement Re Senate Fast Track Deal

  CPA issued the following organizational statement today: Reports indicate that Senate leadership has today reached an agreement to proceed to debate bills regarding Fast Track trade authority, fixing foreign currency manipulation legislation and effective customs enforcement.   The Coalition for a Prosperous America is determined to ensure that both Houses of Congress fully debate…

Local Activism: How to Stop a Bad Vote

  The early morning headline on Wednesday morning, May 13, 2015 read “Senate deals stinging defeat to Obama trade agenda“. The initial perception is that Democrats broke rank with their own President and vociferously fought him on a measure that would ultimately lead to the passage of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) and the…

Buchanan: On a Fast Track to National Ruin

In the first quarter of 2015, in the sixth year of the historic Obama recovery, the U.S. economy grew by two-tenths of 1 percent. [Reposted from  |  Pat Buchanan  |  May 12, 2015] And that probably sugarcoats it. For trade deficits subtract from the growth of GDP, and the U.S. trade deficit that just…