On trade, Pelosi does GOP a favor

When Nancy Pelosi pleaded with her Democratic colleagues to “slow down the fast-track to get to a better deal for the American people,” the House minority leader inadvertently helped the GOP. By pulling the plug on President Obama’s crony corporatist trade deal, Pelosi effectively held Republicans back from colluding with an unpopular president to fully…

Greg Autry: Why Our Trade Deal Disasters March On

While trade is indeed a great and wonderful force for improving the human condition, the fundamental problem with any agreement approaching the scope of the Trans Pacific Partnership is that the complex weave of needs and demands from many nations will invariably cause it to deviate very significantly from David Ricardo’s extremely simple theoretical model…

Lori Wallach: Fast Track Down

The Fast Track trade authority package was rejected Friday because two years of effort by a vast corporate coalition, the White House and GOP leaders — and weeks of deals swapped for yes votes — could not assuage a majority in the House of Representatives facing constituents’ concerns that more of the same trade policy…

Peter Morici: Trade pact is a bad deal for workers

Congress should not grant President Barack Obama authority to conclude another free-trade agreement in Asia. Such a deal would lower American wages and exacerbate income inequality. [Reposted from the blog of Peter Morici  |  Peter Morici  |  June 12, 2015] The Trans-Pacific Partnership would eliminate tariffs and lower other regulatory barriers to trade and investment…

Letter to the Editor from CPA supporter

  Fast track too much power [Reposted from the CS Gazette  |  Kady Hommel  |  June 10, 2015] The Founding Fathers designed our government to ensure that no single branch – the executive, legislative or judicial – had too much power. These checks and balances ensure that no branch becomes so strong it threatens our…