Inside U.S. Trade: “Treasury Sees Chinese ‘National Security’ Review Tools Undercutting BIT”

The U.S. Treasury Department is growing wary that Chinese authorities are empowering themselves with new, broader legal means to prohibit foreign business operations and effectively undermine any concession the Chinese government may make in negotiations for a U.S.-China bilateral investment treaty (BIT). [ July 16, 2015 | Inside U.S. Trade ] China’s draft “Foreign Investment…

Inside U.S. Trade: “Hawaii TPP Round Aims To Tackle IP, SOEs And Other Tough Issues”

Trade negotiators are aiming to tackle the most difficult outstanding issues in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks, including intellectual property (IP), market access for goods, and state-owned enterprises, when they meet beginning Friday (July 24) for a negotiating round and subsequent ministerial in Hawaii. [ July 21, 2015 | Inside U.S. Trade ] New Zealand’s…