Bloomberg: Did the Yuan Really Pass the IMF Currency Test? You’ll Know Soon

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde and some two dozen officials on the fund’s executive board will gather Monday at headquarters in Washington for one of the most-anticipated decisions outside of actually approving loans for nations in crisis. [Reposted from Bloomberg News  |  Andrew Mayeda  |  November 29th, 2015] The question inside the 12th-floor,…

More U.S. Plants Closing Thanks to Washington’s Trade Negotiators

The Obama Administration continues its misguided focus on poorly negotiated trade deals, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), while ignoring market distorting factors that are harming U.S. economic growth. [Reposted from OpedNews |  Michael Stumo|  November 20, 2015] Magnetization, an iron ore producer in Minnesota, announced that it will layoff workers. Cliffs Natural Resources, another Minnesota iron ore…