Portman, in surprise, to oppose trade deal

WASHINGTON — Sen. Rob Portman announced Thursday he will oppose a sweeping trade agreement negotiated by the Obama administration and 11 other countries, mostly in the Asia-Pacific region. [Deirdre Sheesgreen| February, 04 2016 | Cincinnat!] It’s a surprise move from the Ohio Republican, who served as the chief trade negotiator for President George W. Bush and…


Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has been at the forefront of the fight against the president’s trade agenda, at the debate blasted not just TPP but all trade agreements “over the last 30 years.” “I believe in trade, but I do not believe in unfettered free trade,” he said. “I believe in fair trade which works for…

Government Announces Larger December Trade Deficit Despite Trade Deals

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 05, 2016 Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 202-688-5145, [email protected] Washington ~ The federal government announced today that the US trade deficit worsened yet against last December. Modern trade deals continue to cause failures in US trade performance and loss of dynamic, diverse manufacturing and agricultural supply chains.  Here are the relevant points from…

The Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens our liberty

Economic theory holds that removing trade barriers among nations should increase global wealth. But the proposed 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership that Congress must soon give a straight up-or-down vote threatens our liberties as Americans and is likely to add almost nothing to U.S. economic growth. [David Cay Johnston| February, 04 2016 | Aljazeera America] I have…

Hillary Clinton Flip Flopped On TPP Before, So Big Business Lobbyists Are Confident She’ll Really Flip Back After Election

Isn’t politics just great? Politicians aren’t exactly known for their honesty on things, often saying things to voters just to get elected. But Hillary Clinton’s views on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have received quite a lot of scrutiny. After all, while she was at the State Department, she was a strong supporter of…