The Trade Deficit Does, Too, Matter

Never have I seen a political issue so susceptible to sophistry – in the original sense of that term connoting tricky conceptual sleight-of-hand – as trade economics. [Ian Fletcher| March 29, 2016 |Huffington Post] Never have I seen a political issue so susceptible to sophistry – in the original sense of that term connoting tricky…

The Choice Is Not Between TPP or No Trade

The high-profile presidential primary revolt against decades of damaging American trade policy finally has forced the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) into mainstream media coverage. [Lori Wallach| March 24, 2016 |Huffington Post] The usual free-trade-agreement cheerleading squad of chronic-job-offshoring corporations, Wall Street, agribusiness and their coterie of think tanks and pundits are unnerved. After spending billions in…

Bernie Sanders gets trade right

Residents of Washington state recognize the difference between a good trade policy and a bad trade policy. A bad trade policy is still bad, even if you call it “free trade,” “nuanced trade” or “utilitarian.” [Stan Sorscher| March 23, 2016 |Seattle Times] The Trans-Pacific Partnership is neither free, nuanced nor utilitarian. It’s an extension of…

Opinion: The one thing Donald Trump gets right

Millions of voters are siding with Donald Trump in the Republican primaries, and it’s not just because he’s a racist. He’s one of the few politicians (Bernie Sanders is another) who is telling the truth about why the American middle class is collapsing: Unfair foreign trade has decimated factory jobs, the bedrock of our economy.…

Letters Show Mounting TPP Opposition in Congress

Two letters released today and yesterday indicate that the Obama administration has a daunting challenge in convincing Congress to support the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. Bloomberg BNA| March 23, 2016 |Bloomberg BNA] Today, 19 members of the New York congressional delegation, led by Reps. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) and Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.), sent a letter to…

US Envoy Complains to EU about Ag Trade Deficit

The U.S. ambassador to the European Union has accused the European Commission of potentially endangering the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with its stance in the agriculture negotiations. Daily News| March 22, 2016 |Inside US Trade] Ambassador Anthony Gardner charged in a March 17 speech that the commission is seeking to expand its already…