TPP: The Outcast

There was a time not so long ago when trade agreements weren’t considered a “topic of interest” for the general American public. Occasionally, a reporter would cover the subject, only to continue the “free trade is good” rhetoric. If a person was against a “free trade agreement,” that person was considered a protectionist and an…

Greenpeace Leaks U.S.-E.U. Trade Deal Documents

LONDON — The Dutch chapter of the environmental activist group Greenpeace leaked on Monday a trove of documents from the talks over a proposed trade deal between the European Union and the United States. [Sewell Chan| May 2, 2016 |The New York Times] The documents, Greenpeace said, showed that American trade negotiators had pressed their European counterparts to loosen important environmental,…

Movement to Stop TPP by Canceling Lame Duck

Given the anti-TPP presidential campaign rhetoric from the leading candidates of both major political parties this year, supporters of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact are concluding that their only chance of getting Congress to approve the TPP will be during the lame-duck session after the November elections. [Larry Greenley| April 27, 2016 |The New American] They…

Democrats skeptical of TPP

While most agricultural groups and the Obama administration are touting the potential benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, top ag Democrats in Congress remain skeptical about the pact. [Chris Clayton| April 27, 2016 |The Progressive Farmer] Rep. Collin Peterson, D-Minn., ranking member of the House Agriculture Committee, said TPP would fail if President Barack…

Economic Globalization Is a Choice

Economic globalization is often presented as an inevitability, a wave of the future to which we must either adapt or get left behind. But it isn’t. How much globalization we get and what kind are a choice, a result of deliberate political decisions we have the power to make or not make. [Ian Fletcher| April…