They Still Back TPP as Trade Deficit Jumps

The U.S trade deficit has gone up again and it seems everyone is turning a blind eye toward it — except Republican nominee Donald Trump. [PoliZette Staff| August 5, 2016 |Lifezette] The deficit suffered an 8.7 percent jump in June and has officially reached a 10-month high of $44.5 billion, according to MarketWatch. This jump…

Will Paul Ryan Adapt?

In its nomination of Donald Trump, the electorate has delivered a powerful, historic message for policy change to the Republican Party’s leadership. Out of 17 candidates, Trump emerged with the most votes of any GOP nominee ever – 14 million. His political rise has shattered old party orthodoxies on Free Trade, hawkish foreign policy, open…

Dan Alpert: Towards More Balance Trade

Dan Alpert is founding managing director of Westwood Capital, LLC. He is also the newest member of CPA’s Advisory Board. [Dan Alpert| August 5, 2016] After decades of establishment politicians and mainstream economists extolling the virtues of global trade, free trade policy is taking a wallop. In the U.S., populist candidates of both parties, Bernie…

Can the U.S. Bring Back Jobs?

Throughout the 2016 election cycle, one of presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump’s most impassioned – and oft-repeated – promises should he move into the White House next year is the recovery of millions of jobs previously offshored to China, Mexico and elsewhere. [Andrew Soergel | July 11, 2016 |US News] The rhetoric has struck home with…

Why TPP Vote Count Doesn’t Add Up – At Least 9 Pro-Fast Track GOP Voters are Now β€œNo” on TPP vs. Zero Flipping the Other Way

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 3, 2016 CONTACT:  Candice Johnson at [email protected] and 202-434-1168 Why TPP Vote Count Doesn’t Add Up – At Least 9 Pro-Fast Track GOP Voters are Now “No” on TPP vs. Zero Flipping the Other Way  Washington – Last year, just five votes in the House of Representatives would have flipped the outcome of the “fast track”…