The national security case against TPP

Brigadier General John Adams: By facilitating the further offshoring of America’s manufacturing base, the trade pact would actually undermine America’s military readiness and global economic standing.  TPP would hurt our national security interests more than it would help. [John Adams | August 17, 2016 | The Hill] The Republican and Democratic conventions showcased an extraordinarily rare point…

Surprise: Sen Toomey flips on TPP

by Michael Stumo Toomey just announced that he opposes TPP. His reasons are not the trade deficit or currency manipulation. Rather he cites Pharma, IP and dairy issues as objections. He has been very strongly opposite us on trade deals, but this opposition looks good for the remainder of this year. After seeing the Toomey…

Sen. Pat Toomey: The TPP falls short

Trade is good. I trade with my grocer so I don’t have to grow my own food. He trades with refrigeration companies so he doesn’t have to build coolers. We all trade with the electric utility for power. Trade is the fundamental mechanism that allows us to specialize, innovate and buy and sell the best…

McGinty statement on Toomey’s trade flip-flop: “Sorry, Senator Toomey, but we’re not buying it.”

Philadelphia, PA (August 17, 2016) – U.S. Senate candidate Katie McGinty released the following statement after Senator Pat Toomey, a longtime proponent of bad trade deals, attempted to flip-flop his position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal this morning. [August 17, 2016 | Katie McGinty] “Pat Toomey has spent his entire career pushing bad trade deals…

Clinton campaign transition chief has pushed for TPP

The new chairman of Hillary Clinton’s transition team has been an outspoken supporter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership and works for a firm that lobbied for trade policy issues as recently as this spring, a review of congressional lobbying records and articles shows. [Megan Cassella | August 16, 2016 | Politico] Ken Salazar, a former U.S. senator and…

Stefanik (R-NY-21) announces TPP opposition

by Michael Stumo Good news… Rep Elise Stefanik (R-NY-21) announced her opposition to TPP last week. It shows that our CPA strategy to work with state and local trade associations is working. Stefanik was a member of the Bush 43 White House. She directed debate prep for Paul Ryan as Romney’s VP candidate. She is……