Senator Bennett kind of sort of maybe opposes TPP

[Daily News| October 04, 2016 |Inside US Trade] Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet (D) has put himself in the camp of Trans-Pacific Partnership skeptics who say they can’t support the deal without key changes – though he hopes the U.S. does not “just walk away” from it entirely. Asked by a Colorado television station whether voters “deserve”…

The BS behind NAFTA and TPP: The economic benefits of free-trade deals are small according to a new congressional report

[Angelo Young| October 03, 2016 | Salon] Free-trade agreements have become a flashpoint in this year’s contentious presidential race as voters from the right and left have decried them. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump had pledged to eliminate the North American Free Trade Agreement while Democrat Hillary Clinton has backed out of supporting the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership, a massive deal that would bring…

Why Obama needs PhRMA

[Vicki Needham| September 28, 2016 | The Hill] Business groups are facing a major problem in their final push for passage of President Obama’s signature trade agreement — a lack of unity. While groups like the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are committed to passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),…