BRIEFING: How the TPP Would Fuel Displacement and Fail Migrant Workers

October 25th from 2:00pm-3:00pm 121 Cannon House Office Building [ AFL-CIO| October 10, 2016] International trade and migration are fundamental and interrelated components of globalization that have the potential to improve the lives of working families. For far too long, however, trade and immigration policies have prioritized corporate interests over good jobs and worker rights. Since the…

Britain should embrace weaker pound and it needs to fall further, says former BoE governor and currency guru

[Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | October 10, 2016 |Telegraph] The slump in sterling is a blessing in disguise after years of overvaluation and helps to break the corrosive stranglehold of the financial elites over the British economy, according to a former bail-out chief for the International Monetary Fund. “It is desirable from every point of view. The idea that Britain…

The State of American Jobs

Tectonic changes are reshaping U.S. workplaces as the economy moves deeper into the knowledge-focused age. These changes are affecting the very nature of jobs by rewarding social, communications and analytical skills. They are prodding many workers to think about lifetime commitments to retraining and upgrading their skills. And they may be prompting a society-wide reckoning…

My BBC World Radio debate with globalists

by Michael Stumo Last Wednesday (10/5/16) I was a guest on BBC World Service with globalist economists Jeffrey Sachs and Pankaj Ghemawat discussing the future of trade and globalization. I was invited as a presumed nationalist/protectionist counterpoint to the other two guests. Whlie I was certainly a counterpoint, our CPA view did not fit into…