Trump Administration Considers Change in Calculating U.S. Trade Deficit

WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is considering changing the way it calculates U.S. trade deficits, a shift that would make the country’s trade gap appear larger than it had in past years, according to people involved in the discussions. [WILLIAM MAULDIN and DEVLIN BARRETT | February 19, 2017 |Wall Street Journal] The leading idea under consideration would exclude from U.S.…

As Tax Debate Heats Up, Lawmakers Struggle to Think of a Plan B

WASHINGTON—An uncomfortable question looms over the tax debate in Congress: What’s Plan B? [Richard Rubin| February 17, 2017 |Wall Street Journal] Border adjustment, a pillar of House Republicans’ tax proposal, is taking a beating. Big retailers are lobbying aggressively against the concept, which would tax imports and exempt exports. Senate Republicans have expressed views ranging from skepticism…

Trump delays on currency manipulation action

Donald Trump has a reputation for doing as president what he said he’d do when he was a candidate, but there’s one promise he has conspicuously dropped.  [Evelyn Cheng| February 15, 2017 |CNBC] Trump during the campaign called China “the single greatest currency manipulator that’s ever been on this planet,” and said he would make labeling China a…


Emboldened by Trump’s pledge to “buy American,” cattle ranchers across the country are trying to re-stoke the fires around country-of-origin labeling, lobbying for state legislation to take the place of defeated federal rules, reports Brent Griffiths for Pro Agriculture. The latest legislative effort is South Dakota Senate Bill 135 , a measure supported by the state’s Stockgrowers…