What if Steve Bannon Is Right?

In normal times, you could bank the bet that a man who was a Russian stooge, gave comfort to neo-Nazis and spent his first year in office trying to take health care from 22 million Americans was going to get destroyed when voters finally had a chance to send him a message. [Timothy Egan | August…

Great Wall Motor of China Sets Its Sights on Jeep

China is trying to clamp down on overseas acquisitions by its companies. Hostility is growing in the United States toward Chinese deals. And the auto industry faces substantial change in the form of battery-powered vehicles and autonomous cars. [JACK EWING and KEITH BRADSHER | August 21, 2017 | The New York Times] None of that deterred one Chinese…

U.S. Cracks Down on China Trade Dumping

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials this week moved to collect millions of dollars in unpaid anti-dumping penalties after finding that Chinese companies obscured the source of exports to the United States by shipping them through other countries. [Brendan Kirby | August 18th, 2017 | PoliZette] The agency issued 10 decisions under the Enforce and…

Renegotiating NAFTA is putting lipstick on a pig

The first round of the Trump administration’s NAFTA renegotiations began in Washington wrapped up on Saturday. The negotiators will meet again in September in Mexico City and then again in October in Canada. The United States has not yet proposed any specific measures on important issues such as labor rights, currency manipulation, or rules of origin. By all accounts,…