Corporations Push Profits Into Tax Havens as Countries Struggle in Pursuit, Study Says

Editors note: this article makes clear that CPA’s preferred tax system, sales factor apportionment, would be better for US production. It would eliminate the tax discrimination in favor of multinational in foreign companies and against against US domestic companies. Multinational companies shift about 40% of the profits they earn outside their home countries into tax havens, eluding…

CPA Statement on US Trade Figures for April

CPA Research Director Jeff Ferry said: “Despite slightly better monthly trade data for the month of April, the US trade picture in 2018 continues to worsen. For the first four months of the year, our trade deficit year-to-date 2018 was $201 billion, 11.5% worse than the comparable period in 2017. At this rate, we are…

Mexico goes to the WTO against US tariffs

Editors note: The Mexico challenge to US tariff actions will also challenge the future of the WTO if the institution continues being part of the problem by preventing the US from correcting our trade deficits. Mexico has started proceedings against the United States at the World Trade Organization (WTO), arguing that the tariffs that US President…

Tell Congress: Stop Beijing’s U.S. port takeover

Summary note: The Coalition for a Prosperous America supports the legislation, referred to in this article, which would tighten incoming foreign investment restrictions. We are also very concerned about the takeover by Cosco Shipping, a Chinese company. If you owned a company, would you let your competitor monitor all your incoming and outgoing orders? In…