U.S. Zeroes In on Europe’s Cars in Battle to Fix Trade Deficit
Excerpt: “In order to reduce our trade deficit — one of the big objectives of this administration — we need to deal with China as an entity,
Excerpt: “In order to reduce our trade deficit — one of the big objectives of this administration — we need to deal with China as an entity,
Editor’s note: The fantasy narrative of China’s nuclear option – selling US treasuries to tank the dollar – was always wrong. This story shows that
Editor’s note: A very good piece on tariffs’ pro-growth role in US economic development. The Trump White House on Friday ramped up tariffs on billions
Editor’s note. CPA Chairman DiMicco does a great job vs Sen. Heitkamp on Squawk Box. [May 13, 2019 | Squawk Box on Twitter] Watch the
Excerpt: “Yet, free traders in their fantasy world want to keep saying the tariffs are raising prices. The reality is they’re not, and it’s demonstrated by
Editors note. A good article detailing President Xi’s challenge to the US and the world. However, by focusing on the current president it ignores that
Editors note. This is a few days old but reposted to show the following point. Governor Hickenlooper, running for president, is an unreformed free trade
Editors note. The president wasn’t kidding. The process of raising tariffs on all Chinese imports has begun FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 10, 2019
Excerpt: “If all of the [China] tariffs were passed through to consumers–which has not happened judging by price data–the overall impact on prices would be
Excerpt: “Simply put, there is no tariff armageddon. Wages and purchasing power are up. But consumer prices aren’t.” Beijing has run roughshod over our economic