What a Difference a Week (or a Weekend) Makes

Editor’s note. Brad Setser discusses his take on the exchange rate implications of the US-China trade skirmish. Whither the yuan. [Brad W. Setser | May 10, 2019 | Council on Foreign Relations] Until this past week, it looked like the United States and China were heading toward a deal. Not a great deal, but a deal.…

Our real problem with China: Xi Jinping

Editors note. A good article detailing President Xi’s challenge to the US and the world. However, by focusing on the current president it ignores that for the past 30 years the ruling class has been China First hawks, not dovish, democratic internationalists. He is the global leader of opposition to the US position in international…

I’m Running to Save Capitalism

Editors note. This is a few days old but reposted to show the following point. Governor Hickenlooper, running for president, is an unreformed free trade advocate. Massive deregulation and socialism would both ruin the economic system that allows America to flourish. [John Hickenlooper | May 5, 2019 | WSJ] Dramatic income inequality has driven voters…

Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Section 301 Action

Editors note. The president wasn’t kidding. The process of raising tariffs on all Chinese imports has begun FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                   May 10, 2019 Contact: USTR Public & Media Affairs [email protected] Statement By U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer on Section 301 Action Washington, DC – U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today released the following…