CPA Letter to Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro Regarding China’s 72 Steel

CPA sent the following letter to Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro regarding the proposal by Chinese nationals, through a front company named “72 Steel LLC”, to construct a 500,000 ton-per-year steelmaking – specifically reinforcing bar (rebar) – facility in the city of Aliquippa. For the reasons outlined in the letter, CPA urged Governor Shapiro to strongly…

Written Testimony Before The House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability: Exploitation And Enforcement: Evaluating the Department of Homeland Security’s Efforts to Counter Uyghur Forced Labor

The following written testimony was submitted by Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA, to the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability in a hearing titled, “Exploitation And Enforcement: Evaluating the Department of Homeland Security’s Efforts to Counter Uyghur Forced Labor.” that was held on October 19, 2023. Read Stumo’s oral testimony here.  …

Questions for the Record | Leveling the Playing Field: How to Counter the CCP’s Economic Aggression

This past May in, testimony before the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), CPA’s Roger Robinson, Jr. delivered a comprehensive examination of how U.S. investor capital is being used to fund China’s malign activities that directly threaten U.S. economic and national security. 

Written Testimony Before the House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Trade: Modernizing Customs Policies to Protect American Workers and Secure Supply Chains

The following written testimony was submitted by Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA, to the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade for a hearing titled, “Modernizing Customs Policies to Protect American Workers and Secure Supply Chains,” that was held on May 25, 2023. Read Stumo’s oral testimony here.           Written Testimony…

Coalition Letter to President Biden Urging Action to Address Outbound U.S. Investment to China

CPA, along with several other organizations and leaders, sent the following coalition letter to President Joe Biden requesting that the administration establish a mechanism to review U.S. outbound investment to China in order to address the risks and threats associated with U.S. capital bolstering the CCP’s ability to modernize and advance its military and build…

Written Testimony to the CECC: Implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act and the Impact on Global Supply Chains

The following written testimony was submitted to the Congressional-Executive Commission China (CECC) on April 18, 2023 by CPA’s Robby Stephany Saunders, Vice President for National Security, and Charles Benoit, Trade Counsel.           Before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China WRITTEN TESTIMONY Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 10:00am ET | Submitted on Tuesday,…