CPA, along with several other organizations and leaders, sent the following coalition letter to President Joe Biden requesting that the administration establish a mechanism to
Quartz Importers Abandon Challenges to Lawfully Imposed AD/CVD Duties WASHINGTON — In a win for the U.S. domestic quartz manufacturing industry, MS International (MSI), one
Outlines How Trillions of U.S. Investment Dollars Have Funded the CCP WASHINGTON — In testimony before the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party
By Michele Nash-Hoff Michael Collins wrote, “Hope is not a plan” in his book Dismantling the American Dream, How Multinational Corporations Undermine American Prosperity. In
WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today applauded the reintroduction of bipartisan National Critical Capabilities Defense Act by U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro
WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today applauded Democrat and Republican Senators for passing the bipartisan resolution of disapproval (H.J. Res. 39)
U.S. Treasury Rules Should Prioritize Domestic Manufacturing WASHINGTON — The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today released a statement urging the Biden administration to