We Need to be Better at Industrial Policy

We Need to be Better at Industrial Policy By Amanda Mayoral, CPA Economist   Industrial policy is critical to competing in a global economy and maintaining our national security. In the world of U.S. economic policymaking, we need to stop wasting time debating whether to “do” industrial policy and rather debate how to improve it.…

Coalition Letter Regarding America COMPETES Act of 2022 Provision on Presence of Chinese Companies in U.S. Capital Markets

CPA joined the following coalition letter requesting that the America COMPETES Act of 2022, the House China competition bill, include Section 3407 of the Senate’s U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA) (S. 1260). This section requires an annual report regarding the material risks posed to the United States by the presence of companies incorporated in…

Coalition Letter Regarding the COMPETES Act’s Inclusion of Legislation to Address De Minimis Loophool

CPA joined the following coalition letter in support of the inclusion of Representative Earl Blumenauer’s (D-OR) Import Security and Fairness Act in the America COMPETES Act, House Democrats China competition bill. CPA strongly supports the Import Security and Fairness Act, which will narrow an import loophole, known as de minimis, that is used by non-market…