CCPA: Canadian corporations abuse investment treaties, bully governments into environmental backtrack: study

Canadian investors have exploited a controversial mechanism in international investment treaties to challenge public interest regulations in 24 different countries, according to a study released today by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA). Canadian investors have exploited a controversial mechanism in international investment treaties to challenge public interest regulations in 24 different countries, according…


Campaign for America’s Future: Why the TPP Trade Talks Stalled, and What We’ll Have to Watch For Next

The latest round of negotiations to complete the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “trade” agreement ended without a deal being completed. The negotiators will try again as soon as the end of August. [Reposted from the Campaign for America’s Future blog  |  Dave Johnson  |  August 3, 3015] TPP is the largest “trade” agreement in history, covering…


NYT: Talks for Pacific Trade Deal Stumble

LAHAINA, Hawaii — Trade negotiators from the United States and 11 other Pacific nations failed to reach final agreement on Friday, with difficult talks on the largest regional trade agreement ever deadlocking over protections for drug companies and access to agriculture markets on both sides of the Pacific. [Reposted from The New York Times  | …
