A Hidden Cost Of “Low” Price: Countering China’s Military Buildup
Section 301 Tariffs On China, Part 3 Editor’s note: Part Three of a series on the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese products by CPA Buy
Section 301 Tariffs On China, Part 3 Editor’s note: Part Three of a series on the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese products by CPA Buy
Excerpt: Consumers are not seeing the prices increases that economists predicted. Inflation is extremely low — and remains unaffected by tariffs. Think all Americans are
Section 301 Tariffs On China, Part 2 Editor’s note: Part Two of a series on the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese products by CPA Buy
Editor’s note: Industrial policy is needed in the pantheon of fiscal, tariff, exchange rate and monetary policies. The US needs to get good at it,
Section 301 Tariffs on China, Part 1 Editor’s note: Part One of a series on the Section 301 tariffs on Chinese products by CPA Buy
Editors note: CPA member Roger Simmermaker explains how free traders wrongly focus on efficiency and low prices instead of production and employment. Exclusive: Roger Simmermaker
Editor’s note: The massive phantom foreign direct investment described in this article shows why CPA’s proposal for sales factor apportionment is needed for the US
Editors note: Another reason sales factor apportionment tax is needed. Capital flows for tax avoidance and profit shifting purposes should not exist. Tax profits based
Editor’s note: WaPo would be called protectionist if taking about trade instead of journalism in this editorial. “For many years, U.S. policy was guided by
Editors note: This is a good move. Gov. Andrew Cuomo wants to make permanent a bill requiring New York’s big infrastructure projects to use American-made