CPA Letter to PCAOB and SEC Regarding Chinese Companies’ Compliance with U.S. Securities Laws

CPA sent the following letter to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after the PCAOB announced Chinese auditors were in full compliance with U.S. securities regulations. As a result, more than 170 Chinese companies, many with overt ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), will be able…

CPA Letter to Senate Armed Services Committee Regarding Preventing U.S. Taxpayer Dollars from Funding Chinese Semiconductors

CPA sent the following letter to the leadership of the Senate Armed Services Committee in support of the Schumer-Cornyn amendment that would ensure taxpayer dollars are not spent on China-made semiconductors. The amendment would prohibit U.S. companies from doing business with Chinese microchip companies—notably, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), ChangXin Memory Technologies (CXMT), and Yangtze…

CPA Letter to CBP and DHS Regarding Adding Chinese Companies to the UFLPA Entity List

CPA sent the following letter to U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security requesting that several additional Chinese companies engaged in forced labor be added to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP’s) Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) Entity List, subjecting them to the presumption that their products are…

CPA Coalition Letter to House Rules Committee Re Preventing Investing in Chinese Companies Undermining Basic Human Rights, American Values, and Interests

CPA sent the following letter to the House Rules Committee requesting they make in order amendments to the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would prevent individuals, entities, and the U.S. government from investing in harmful entities that undermine U.S. values, basic human rights, and the stated security objectives and interests of the U.S.…

CPA Coalition Letter to House Rules Committee re Protecting Federal Retirement Dollars from Flowing to China

CPA sent the following letter to the House Rules Committee requesting they make in order amendments that would protect American government employees from the harms caused by investing their hard-earned retirement dollars in an inefficient market, state- controlled companies, and adversarial country – the People’s Republic of China. The amendments would require the Federal Retirement…

CPA Letter to Leaders of the House and Senate Regarding Inclusion of Provision Targeting Companies Complicit in Forced Labor

CPA sent the following letter to Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and Minority Leader McCarthy regarding CPA’s support of the inclusion of a House-passed provision targeting certain companies complicit in forced labor in the final conference report of the China competition bill Download the letter here.  Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and Minority Leader…

CPA, Main Street Alliance, NCTO Letter to Congressional Leadership in Support of National Critical Capabilities Defense Act

CPA, along with Main Street Alliance and the National Council of Textile Organizations, sent the following letter to the leaders of the House and Senate in support of the National Critical Capabilities Defense Act (NCCDA) being included in the final conference report of the China competition bill. NCCDA would require companies to disclose proposed offshoring…

CPA Letters to Leaders of House, Senate Health Care Committees Regarding FDA’s Failure on Essential Generic Medicines, Shortages

CPA sent the following letters to the Chairs and Ranking Members of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee regarding the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) lack of action on addressing shortages of essential and lifesaving products, including critical generic medicines and baby formula, and the agency’s…

CPA Letter to President Biden Regarding Essential Generic Medicines, Excessive Offshoring, and Failure of Safety and Efficacy

CPA sent the following letter to President Joe Biden requesting that his administration take action to address the failures of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure Americans have access to safe, affordable, and reliable medicine. Dear President Biden: We write to you regarding the crisis facing our nation as a result of decades…

CPA Letter to President Biden Opposing Investing Federal Retirement Dollars in Chinese Companies

CPA sent the following letter to President Biden opposing the Federal Retirement Thrift investment Board (FRTIB) proposal to enable hundreds of millions or billions of dollars of federal employee pension money to flow to Chinese state-controlled companies. Dear President Biden, The Federal Retirement Thrift investment Board (FRTIB) is proposing to enable hundreds of millions or…