CPA Coalition Letter to House Rules Committee Re Preventing Investing in Chinese Companies Undermining Basic Human Rights, American Values, and Interests

CPA sent the following letter to the House Rules Committee requesting they make in order amendments to the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would prevent individuals, entities, and the U.S. government from investing in harmful entities that undermine U.S. values, basic human rights, and the stated security objectives and interests of the U.S.…

CPA Coalition Letter to House Rules Committee re Protecting Federal Retirement Dollars from Flowing to China

CPA sent the following letter to the House Rules Committee requesting they make in order amendments that would protect American government employees from the harms caused by investing their hard-earned retirement dollars in an inefficient market, state- controlled companies, and adversarial country – the People’s Republic of China. The amendments would require the Federal Retirement…