Congress Needs to Reestablish the Office of Technology Assessment

By Michael Stumo In 2019, a House resolution established a bipartisan “Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress” that sought to make Congress more efficient and transparent. Recently, the Committee offered a lengthy list of recommendations to improve everything from staff pay and mailing procedures to cybersecurity and communications systems. However, amidst various mundane proposals…

CPA Praises Presidential Proclamation on U.S. Solar Manufacturing

Trump administration closes tariff loophole on imports of bifacial solar panels Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) has strongly praised a new proclamation by President Trump intended to accelerate the growth of America’s solar manufacturing industry. The president’s proclamation will close a loophole for tariffs on imported solar panels and also slow step-down in…

U.S. Corporations Still Avoiding Corporate Taxes

David Morse is tax policy director at the Coalition for a Prosperous America Education Fund. Follow him on Twitter @CentristinIdaho. There was a lot of fuss in late 2017 when Congress passed the Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA). The legislation was expected to significantly revamp America’s tax system — and hopefully tackle the thorny…