How to Revitalize U.S. Manufacturing
Nine policies that could spark new growth in factory jobs and the economic benefits they bring [Bob Tita| June 7, 2016 |The Wall Street Journal]
Nine policies that could spark new growth in factory jobs and the economic benefits they bring [Bob Tita| June 7, 2016 |The Wall Street Journal]
The Pentagon budgets about $15 million every year for athletic shoes vouchers, but not all of it goes to buy American-made footwear. New Balance
Foreign corporations could sue to undermine US protections for consumers’ health, safety and financial security under a provision added to the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, the huge new 12-country trade deal, raises the question: How low would we go to get the next NAFTA-style deal? [Stan
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) this week made clear that it is more important to her to ensure the Trans-Pacific Partnership will deliver benefits to
“It doesn’t mean the death of TTIP,” stressed European Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom when pushed by reporters on whether or not the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership would be completed
June 3, 2016 Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 202-688-5145 ext 2, [email protected] Washington ~ The federal government announced that the US trade deficit worsened yet again in
The Canadian dairy industry, in an ongoing fight against what it sees as a glut of U.S. imports of ultrafiltered milk, has instituted a temporary
Donald Trump might have found one way he thinks the United States has outfoxed China and Japan when it comes to trade deals: the value
Washington legislators have re-awakened to concerns over the Defense Department’s inability to plan for and deal with what is now the final stage in the