Press Mention: Trade war threatens to roil 2020 race as Republicans complain about the tariffs Trump loves

Excerpt: Dan DiMicco, a former steel executive and trade adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign, said the president’s base wants him to maintain a tough position on trade, even if it causes some short-term economic head winds. “He believes that this trade issue is as important as the economy because they’re totally related,” he said. “He’s going…

When Chinese Networks Spy On Their Users

By Jeff Ferry, CPA Chief Economist On April 30th, global wireless telecom company Vodafone went public with a statement to Bloomberg News saying that the London-based wireless provider found “hidden backdoors,” i.e. multiple security flaws in the wireless network supplied by Chinese network provider Huawei. The problem first surfaced in 2011 when Vodafone engineers found “backdoors”…

Press Release: CPA Praises Hike in Tariffs on Chinese Imports

CPA Praises Hike in Tariffs on Chinese Imports Tariff increase provides negotiating leverage, helps domestic manufacturers  Washington. The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) today strongly praised the Trump administration’s decision to increase tariff rates on $200 billion worth of imports from China. President Trump had previously delayed a planned tariff increase—scheduled to take effect…