It’s time to stop Chinese theft

[ Claudia Tenney | December 12, 2016 |CNN] (CNN)By selecting Iowa Governor Terry Branstad as US Ambassador to China, President-elect Donald Trump chose a man who Chinese President Xi Jinping considers a “friend.” But as a friend, Branstad will be the messenger to deliver the hard truth that the days of America bowing and scraping at China’s…

Trump’s choice for Secretary of State called the trade agreement Trump regularly roasts a ‘promising development’

[ Allan Smith| December 14, 2016 |Business Insider] President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for secretary of state — Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson — once praised the trade agreement Trump lambasted along the campaign trail as a “promising development” regarding trade relations in the Asia-Pacific region. In a 2013 speech to the Asia Society Global Forum, Tillerson,…

Peter Morici: Trump must prepare for showdown with China

[  Peter Morici | December 09, 2016 |Deseret News] Donald Trump faces immediate challenges — managing the war against ISIS, fixing Obamacare and boosting growth to create jobs. However, as the fallout from his recent conversation with the president of Taiwan indicates, an increasingly assertive China poses the most vexing and far-reaching challenges for American prosperity and security. China…