Lame-Duck Prospects Fading for Pacific Trade Pact

In an elec­tion defined by Don­ald Trump’s eth­no­cen­trism, there’s at least one thing that both his and Hil­lary Clin­ton’s cam­paigns agree on: They want to un­ravel the Trans-Pa­cific Part­ner­ship, the largest re­gion­al trade pact meant to tie closer to­geth­er the United States, Ja­pan, and 10 oth­er na­tions around the Pa­cific Rim. Over the protests of…

They Still Back TPP as Trade Deficit Jumps

The U.S trade deficit has gone up again and it seems everyone is turning a blind eye toward it — except Republican nominee Donald Trump. [PoliZette Staff| August 5, 2016 |Lifezette] The deficit suffered an 8.7 percent jump in June and has officially reached a 10-month high of $44.5 billion, according to MarketWatch. This jump…