Excerpt: “China’s authoritarian government, size, and anticompetitive intent are more problematic than the ownership structure of the companies in question. The government can fund them, without
Excerpt: “China’s authoritarian government, size, and anticompetitive intent are more problematic than the ownership structure of the companies in question. The government can fund them, without
Editors note: No big news so far on the US Japan trade negotiations. USTRNEWS UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Washington, D.C. 20508
Editor’s note: CPA’s Buy America Committee has been fighting to prevent the City of Chicago from using federal taxpayer money to buy rail cars from
Editors note: Another example of the fact that China does not intend on being a major buyer of US-made products. SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China plans
Editors note: The trucking industry is a key indicator of economic strength. (Reuters) – At a truck stop in Ridgefield, New Jersey, driver Paul Richards
Editors note: China has long promised to cut steel production. It does not do so. Another example of their long line of broken promises. China
By Jeff Ferry, CPA Chief Economist The US trade deficit in goods and services for February was $49.4 billion, an improvement of 3.4 percent over
Editor’s note: CPA’s position is that no deal is better than a bad deal with China. The US is likely better off with unilateral trade
Editor’s note: Perry Hooper, author of this opinion article, is a CPA member. By Perry O. Hooper Jr.,Republican State Executive Committee Former State Representative Trade
Editors note: CPA board member Burl Finkelstein is featured in this article on our trade conference last month in March. While trade tensions have left