AFL-CIO Press Conference Wed., December 10th, 2014, 11am


The AFL-CIO is hosting a press briefing next Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. in the Murray Green Room on the topic of “What the TPP Negotiators Should Be Discussing Behind Closed Doors (But Aren’t)”.

Speakers will provide a hard hitting critique of what is missing from the discussions that would be required to make this an agreement that works for workers, supports U.S.-based manufacturing, promotes high labor and environmental standards, etc.  Contact: [email protected]

Thea Lee, Deputy Chief of Staff, AFL-CIO

Dean Baker, Co-Director, Center for Economic & Policy Research

Coalition for a Prosperous America (John Arnett to speak on behalf of CPA)

Josh Nassar, Legislative Director, United Auto Workers

Ilana Solomon, Director of the Responsible Trade Program, Sierra Club


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