Wyden wants ‘tough’ and ‘smart’ trade policy under Trump; Brady to talk to Lighthizer ‘soon’


Senate Finance Committee ranking member Ron Wyden (D-OR) this week told Inside U.S. Trade he will push Trump cabinet nominees with responsibility for trade policy on their commitment to enforcement, stressing he would like the new administration to take a “tough” and “smart” approach.

[Daily News| January 5, 2017 |Inside US Trade]

“If I could describe what I hope we’ll see from the new trade team is a policy that’s tough and a policy that’s smart. That’s what I want to see in terms of trade,” Wyden said. “I expect first and foremost to have this new administration vigorously enforce the trade laws. This is the strongest reform package we’ve had in years; it responds clearly to what the American people have said: They want more vigorous enforcement.”

“So, when I have a chance to talk with the nominees in the trade field, I’m going to dig in specifically to what their commitment is to enforce the laws,” Wyden continued.

One of those nominees will be former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, who President-elect Donald Trump announced this week will be his nominee for USTR.

House Ways & Means Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) touted Lighthizer’s experience in enforcing trade laws as well as his views on how to tap new export markets for U.S. businesses.

Read more at Inside US Trade


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