POLL: Voters Overwhelmingly Support China Tariffs

  • 73% of American voters support the U.S. government using trade remedies on China to protect U.S. industries and American workers.
  • 71% of voters supporting the U.S. government continuing to impose Section 301 tariffs on China.
  • 61% of voters believe that increased imports have caused the U.S. to become dependent on China for goods that are critical to the U.S. economy and U.S. national security.
  • 60% of voters oppose China continuing to receive Most Favored Nation trade status with the U.S.
  • 61% of voters support the U.S. government banning Chinese companies from U.S. capital markets that have been sanctioned or do not comply with U.S. laws.

WASHINGTON — A new poll of registered voters, conducted by Morning Consult on behalf of the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA), shows an overwhelming majority of voters—including 71% of Democrats, 70% of Independents, and 76% of Republicans—support the U.S. government using trade remedies like tariffs on China. Additionally, an overwhelming majority of voters (71%) support the U.S. government continuing to impose Section 301 tariffs on China and a strong majority (60%) oppose China continuing to receive Most Favored Nation (MFN) trade status.

As first reported by Politico, Americans overwhelmingly support tougher trade restrictions on China and want Congress to strengthen Section 301 tariffs on China. This stands in stark contrast to the trade title in the Senate-passed China competition bill, formerly known as the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (USICA). Earlier this year, CPA urged Members of the House Ways and Means Committee to reject the flawed Senate legislation that would gut Section 301 tariffs, provide taxpayer refunds to importers of Chinese merchandise, and weaken the U.S. Trade Representative’s (USTR) ability to enforce trade remedies against China. The House-passed China bill, the America COMPETES Act, contains one of the most pro-worker trade titles in history.

“Too many Senate Republicans talk tough on China, but are actively pushing trade provisions  in the China competition bill that are a gift to Chairman Xi and CCP-influenced companies,” said Michael Stumo, CEO of CPA. “The trade section of the Senate China bill is a big win for Beijing at the expense of American workers and U.S. national security. Our new poll makes it clear that voters overwhelmingly support strong tariffs on China and want Congress to strengthen our trade laws—not weaken them—especially as China is enabling Russian warmaking in Ukraine. Senator Crapo and other Republicans need to make sure their actions match their rhetoric. Lawmakers should jettison the Senate trade provisions in favor of the House-passed trade title, which preserves our trade remedies, stops China’s abuse of our customs laws, and is one of the most pro-worker trade bills introduced in Congress in decades.”

Read the Key Takeaways here. View the full poll results from Morning Consult here and the cross tabs here.

Key Findings: Tariffs, Trade Remedies, and Capital Markets Sanctions

  • A strong majority — 73% — of American voters support the U.S. government using trade remedies on China to protect U.S. industries and American workers. Only 10% are opposed.
  • A strong majority — 61% — of American voters are more likely to support a candidate that supports the U.S. government imposing tariffs on China when there is a threat to a U.S. industry or American workers. Only 12% are less likely to support.
  • A strong majority — 68% — of American voters support continuing to impose tariffs on China’s solar energy industry. Only 11% are opposed.
  • A strong majority — 71% — of American voters support continuing to impose Section 301 tariffs on China. Only 8% are opposed.
  • Nearly half of American voters (47%) think Congress should strengthen the U.S. government’s ability to impose Section 301 tariffs compared to just 6% that think Congress should weaken the U.S. government’s ability to impose them.
  • A strong majority — 65% — of American voters believe importers should be required to provide proof that they cannot source a product outside of China before the U.S. government grants an exclusion. Only 7% think importers should not be required.
  • A majority — 52% — of American voters oppose the U.S. government using taxpayer dollars to refund companies importing Chinese products that are now excluded from tariffs because they paid Section 301 tariffs in the past. Only 20% of voters support refunds using taxpayer dollars.
  • A strong majority — 61% — of American voters believe that increased imports have caused the U.S. to become dependent on China for goods that are critical to the U.S. economy and U.S. national security. As a result, voters think tariffs should be used to protect U.S. industries and American workers. Only 16% disagreed.
  • A majority — 60% — of American voters oppose China continuing to receive Most Favored Nation (MFN) trade status with the United States. Only 20% support maintaining MFN status for China.
  • A strong majority — 61% — of American voters support the U.S. government banning Chinese companies from U.S. capital markets that have been sanctioned by the U.S. government or that have not complied with U.S. laws. Only 19% are opposed.

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