China’s Quest for Capital: Motivations, Methods, and Implications

Editor’s note: The US China Economic & Security Review Commission had a very important hearing showing why we should not be seeking greater financial integration with China. Here is the video of that hearing. 

AGENDA | Hearing on “China’s Quest for Capital: Motivations, Methods, and Implications”

[January 23, 2020 |]

9:15 AM – 9:20 AM:              Opening Remarks: Chairman Cleveland and Commissioner Wessel

9:20 AM – 10:20 AM              Administration Panel: Administration Views on U.S. Investor Exposure to China’s Financial Markets

  • Nazak Nikakhtar, Assistant Secretary for Industry and Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration 

10:20 AM – 10:30 AM:           Break

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM:           Panel I: China’s Capital Requirements and Systemic Challenges

12:00 PM – 12:45 PM:           Lunch Break

12:45 PM – 2:15 PM:             Panel II: How Chinese Entities Raise Capital

2:15 PM – 2:25 PM:               Break

2:25 PM – 3:55 PM:               Panel III: U.S. Exposure to China’s Financial Markets

3:55 PM – 4:00 PM:             Closing Remarks

4:00 PM:                               Adjourn

ADA Accessibility: For questions about the accessibility of the event or to request an accommodation, please contact Leslie Tisdale Reagan at 202-624-1496, or via email at [email protected]. Requests for an accommodation should be made as soon as possible, and at least five business days prior to the event.


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