On April 18th, CPA co-hosted a manufacturing summit with California State Senator Joel Anderson in San Marcos, CA. Dan DiMicco shared an insider’s view of the Trump Administration trade agenda and addressed specific issues related to tariffs. Research Director Jeff Ferry’s presentation highlighted that economists are beginning to see the light on trade because of the effects of the China “shock” on the job of jobs and wage stagnation. Michael Stumo covered CPA’s issue flyers on trade deficits, trade cheating, the overvalued dollar, and currency manipulation. California Chair Michele Nash-Hoff gave an overview of California’s manufacturing industry, including the detrimental effects of offshoring to China and the benefits of reshoring since 2010. A panel of three local manufacturers provided provided their perspective on their industries and feedback on the issues discussed. The panelists were Robin Gray, President of Lamvin Inc., Steve Shallenberger, CFO of Diversified Manufacturing of California, and Bill Dickinson, President of DaMar Plastics. Afterward, James Zuley of eZWay Broadcasting interviewed DiMicco, Stumo, and Ferry for a social media broadcast.
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