Alliance for American Manufacturing: Record Imports from China Hurt U.S. Manufacturing


Washington, D.C. – The Commerce Department released the latest monthly U.S. trade figures Wednesday. Chinese imports into the U.S. topped an all-time monthly record in September at $45.7 billion.

[Reposted from the Alliance for American Manufacturing site  |  November 4, 2015]

Said Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul:

“Imports from China are killing America’s manufacturing recovery. We’ve seen widespread layoffs in steel, a sharp drop in the manufacturing ISM index over the past year, and net job losses in manufacturing over the summer. I only wish someone in the Obama administration or Congressional leadership understood how serious this challenge is.

“Our private sector firms are competing against the autocratic Chinese government and its subsidies, exchange rate policies, and gigantic industrial overcapacity. In addition to fairly adjudicating trade cases, it’s time for the Obama administration and Congress to give new tools to our industry and workers to fight against unfair imports from China.”  


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