CPA meetings in DC… a Bunch of Them

Several of us were in DC this past week on a CPA Congressional Education trip.  I was joined by David Frengel (Penn United Technologies), Stephani Scruggs (912 PAC), Dave Ferriman and Karl Rusnak of (Economy in Crisis), Ken Mayo (CPA’s Florida co-chair and Tea Party liaison) and Charles Blum (CPA Gov’t Relations and IAS Group).  Ellen Croibier of CPA-central worked us hard, scheduling 46 Congressional meetings (!!) to educate staff and members on problems with Fast Track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Here is a photo of our meeting with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina.

Senator Tim Scott, Charles Blum, Stephani Scruggs, Michael Stumo and Dave Frengel

Here is a photo of Ken Mayo in Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick’s office.  The Ferris wheel is from K’NEX, a Pennsylvania company making American made toys.  CPA’s BuyAmerican store sells KNEX.

Ken Mayo, CPA Florida Co-Chair and Tea Party Liaison


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