Senate Republican Aide Cautions Business Against Strong Push For TPP


An aide for Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) this week cautioned business representatives against making a strong push for quick congressional passage of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal, which he said must be considered with deliberation, according to informed sources.

Inside U.S. Trade | December 3, 2105

The aide made clear that a full-throttle push for TPP by U.S. business groups will be taken by the administration as a sign to proceed with its plans for rapid congressional consideration of the deal, sources said. The aide also said that the administration wants to sign TPP promptly after Feb. 3, which is the earliest date it can be signed under the fast-track law, according to these sources.

The aide made clear that any strategy by the administration or business to force the TPP through Congress quickly is flawed, and will ultimately fail, these sources said. The aide spoke to a Dec. 2 closed-door meeting at a major U.S. business association in Washington.

His message is directly at odds with administration efforts to get business to come out in support of TPP, in an effort to offset the congressional Republicans’ reticence to back TPP.

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