Editor’s note: This factory is not going to China. Congratulations to Dutchland Plastics and Canastota NY.
Canastota, N.Y. — Dutchland Plastics has opened a factory in Canastota that the company says will create 42 new jobs.
Dutchland CEO Randy Herman, Canastota Mayor Carla DeShaw, state Sen. David Valesky, Assemblyman Bill Magee and other state and local officials cut the ribbon on the 50,000-square-foot plastics plant at 120 Barlow St. Wednesday morning.
“We are making a major investment in this community because we believe in the people who work and live in this community,” Herman said. “Over the years, we’ve seen the amazing craftsmanship and outstanding work ethic this community has to offer. To support future growth, our plans are to continue to invest in this area.”
Dutchland is headquartered in Oostburg, Wisconsin, but began making gas tanks and fenders for commercial lawnmowers in the Oneida County city of Sherrill in 2008. The mowers are made in Sherrill by one of Dutchland’s major customers, Ferris Industries.
Dutchland had been leasing 30,000 square feet of space in the former Oneida Ltd. silverware factory in Sherrill. It announced earlier this year it would move its operations to a larger factory in the Madison County village of Canastota, just nine miles west of Sherrill. Ferris is taking over Dutchland’s space in the former silverware factory.
Herman said the new facility has twice the capacity as the old one and will soon have triple the capacity when it adds a third oven. The facility in Sherrill had only one oven.
In addition to making parts for lawnmowers, the new plant makes plastic coolers for Yeti and plastic furniture for Norix Furniture. Herman said the company is looking for more customers for the facility.
The 23 employees who worked at the Sherrill plant have relocated to the new one. Dutchland said it plans to create 42 additional jobs at the new factory over the next two years. Employment at the plant is already up to 40, and the company is in the process of hiring more, Herman said.
Dutchland invested $2.6 million into the plant.
The state gave the company a $1.7 million Restore New York grant to assist with the factory’s construction. In addition, the state is providing up to $475,000 in income tax credits to the company through the Excelsior Jobs Program.
The company said it considered other locations, including some in other states, but selected the site in Canastota due to its proximity to Ferris, the ability to “retain our capable and hard working employee base,” and incentives provided by the state and the village.
The new factory was built on a long-vacant piece of industrial land along the Erie Canal. Village officials said they hope the Dutchland factory is the start of a small industrial park on the street.