Press Release: CPA Supports Buy American footwear provision in Defense Bill


Contact: Paola Masman, Media Director 
202-688-5145 ext 2, [email protected]

Washington~  The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) expressed strong support for a the buy American footwear provision in the defense appropriation bill passed by the Senate last Friday, December 9. The provision mandates the purchase of American made footwear for military recruits.

The provision states:

In the case of athletic footwear needed by members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps upon their initial entry into the armed forces, the Secretary of Defense shall furnish such footwear directly to the members instead of providing a cash allowance to the members for the purchase of such footwear. 

The current system provides recruits with a cash voucher they can use to purchase training shoes from any company. 

“Government spending should not promote offshoring of industries and jobs,” said Michael Stumo. CEO of CPA. “Voters overwhelming support Buy America programs to create jobs and grow the economy.”

The White House previously threatened to veto the defense bill because of several provisions, including the “buy American” footwear measure. In the veto threat, White House wrote “only one company is currently producing a shoe that arguably meets the standards established in the section, this provision appears to provide a preferential arrangement for a particular company.” 

“Even if the employees of only one company, New Balance, will benefit from the defense authorization bill today, the door is now open for other American companies to produce footwear for military recruits in the future,” continued Stumo. “We are hopeful that the Trump administration will realign procurement and other policies to prioritize US production.”

 The Coalition for a Prosperous America is a nonprofit organization representing the interests of 2.7 million households through our agricultural, manufacturing and labor members.


CPA is the leading national, bipartisan organization exclusively representing domestic producers and workers across many industries and sectors of the U.S. economy.

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