Letter to President Trump: Support for Executive Order Bolstering US Drug and Medical Production

CPA sent the following letter to President Trump today calling for an executive order to rebuild the drug and medical supply chain in the US as we face the coronavirus pandemic.

March 18, 2020 

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
The White House 
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest 
Washington, D.C. 20500

Re: Support for Executive Order Bolstering US Drug and Medical Production

Dear Mr. President: 

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) and its members commend the Trump Administration and Congress for their leadership and response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. More can and should be done to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of all Americans. CPA requests that you sign the anticipated executive order to use Buy American rules to restore our supply chains for pharmaceutical products, medical devices and medical supplies. We can no longer be dependent on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for these critical products.

It was reported in the Senate last week that over 90 percent of all US antibiotics were manufactured in China. This overreliance is dangerous and a direct threat to our national security. Further, the recent flood of misinformation and propaganda from the CCP – along with threats of withholding medical supplies to the free world – demonstrates China cannot be trusted to be keep the world safe and healthy. 

Healthcare expert, Hasting Center Fellow, and CPA Member, Rosemary Gibson, testified last week at the Senate Small Business Committee and issued a dire warning for the country: 

“Generic (drugs) are 90 percent of the drugs we take…Right now we are rationing essential medicines including critical antibiotics that are necessary to treat hospitalized patients with coronavirus…China is the dominate global producer of core chemicals (needed) to make thousands of our generic drugs…The reality is…generic manufacturing has collapsed in the United States…we cannot make penicillin, vitamin c, and we cannot make aspirin and thousands more medicines.”

The planned executive order would cover more than 400 “essential medicines” – this is a great first step and Buy American is a key component to ensuring we bring manufacturing back to America. We believe this executive order is most effective if you incorporate the following policies: 

  • Aggressive use of Buy American rules
  • Streamline regulations 
  • Incentivize new production technologies in US facilities

Ever stronger responses are required to fight the health and economic impacts of the coronavirus. America has always been a leader in new technology with an innovative spirit. Industrial strength is a key component and vital for the national security of our great country. We cannot be dependent on a communist regime that threatens the world’s safety.

With your leadership, we can unleash the next great entrepreneurs– the next George Westinghouse, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Flagler, to rebuild these vital industries. America’s health, national security and economy are at stake. We encourage you to act swiftly and boldly to meet these challenges.


Daniel DiMicco , Chairman Michael Stumo, CEO

CC: Department of Commerce, Secretary Wilbur Ross
Department of the Treasury, Secretary Steven Mnuchin
White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Director Peter Navarro
White House Director of National Economic Council, Larry Kudlow
White House Director of Domestic Policy Council, Joe Grogan
United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Robert Lighthizer

Click here to read the original letter 


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