Press Release | CPA Supports Trump Administration for Invoking Defense Production Act

And praises appointment of Peter Navarro as Nat’l Defense Production Act coordinator

The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) is praising the Trump Administration for invoking the Defense Production Act (DPA) to boost domestic production of medical ventilators. Earlier this week, CPA had urged the administration to take such an important step in light of the widening COVID-19 pandemic.

“We’re pleased to see President Trump and his team taking strong action to expand America’s capability to produce needed ventilators,” said CPA Chair Dan DiMicco. “We’re particularly pleased that the president has appointed Peter Navarro as the coordinator for the National Defense Production Act. Mr. Navarro understands the need to lessen our reliance on China and other countries for critical supplies, and to rapidly manufacture medical devices and other supplies using the combined resources of the nation’s supply chain. We look forward to working with him to see that medical supplies are produced and delivered to those in need as soon as possible.”

CPA has urged the use of the DPA in order to involve more domestic manufacturing capacity in the current health crisis. CPA members are already voluntarily joining efforts to increase the output of personal protective equipment including latex gloves. And CPA’s textile members are helping to increase domestic output of masks and polyester swabs.

“America’s producers are eager to mobilize against the current pandemic,” said Michael Stumo, CEO of the CPA. “The Defense Production Act will link our members with other producers, the government and hospitals in order to make key parts and equipment.”

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